Hello traveler

I am Daniel and this is my experimental website. The name allokkio derives from my dialect way of saying/writting ‘a occhio’ — which is again is an italian idiom for doing things approximetaley, i.e., “by the eye” (in a good way). A such, I dedicate this little site to the exploraiton of “all’occhiology”, the study of imperfect but good solutions (think: tricks, heuristics, neural networks, fuzzy controllers, soft engineering, etc.).

As of now, the website is small and unpolished, but feel free to explore and poke around. For questions regarding work, you can use the official channels.


Stuff somehwere else

  • GIT reviews has short reviews (on github).
  • NeuralHydrology uses DL for hydrology (external).
  • Archives

  • Graphics I once made and still was able to find.
  • Well that is it.

    See you, Space Cowboy! Hello | allokkio